
Why Cyber Security Review Is Important For Your Business?

Just like how it is crucial to get a yearly health checkup, your enterprise needs to have a security checkup as in a security assessment. According to ACSC’s (Australian Cyber Security Centre) annual cyber security threat report, Australian companies are more vulnerable to cyber attacks.

The ACSC receives a prodigious amount of cyber crime reports from all over Australia which is approximately 4000+ reports per month. Australian companies are losing money, confidential data, and are becoming victims of cyber crimes through fraudulent e-mails and phishing attacks.

Well, for starters, “Hackers attack every 39 seconds.’ – The University of Maryland, the pre-eminent national center for research. There is solid statistical evidence to back that statement.

Strong, Secure Passwords

Passwords are one of the critical problems in cybersecurity today.

Username: Admin
Password: Admin123

Weak passwords are a major security threat. The password that tops the list of the most used passwords is ‘password’ indeed. Ironic, isn’t it? (Username) and (Username) 123, 0000 or 1234, your birth year or combinations of it are not the kind of passwords you should be using anywhere. Switch to alphanumeric passwords. For example, Password: bOxIt8w@T$. These types of passwords are distinctive and hence difficult to hack. But strong and unique passwords are hard to remember, you can look at installing a password manager like Zoho Vault.

Zoho Vault is an online password manager that helps businesses securely store, share and manage passwords.

Small Businesses’ data at the stake of Cyber Criminals

In today’s dynamic business world, every facet and trend keeps changing rapidly. Business agility, as you call it. Sure. Businesses can be unpredictable. But, managing biz successfully comes down to embracing its unpredictable nature. It is all about being prepared for any situation.

Imagine this scenario. One of your staff members has their e-mail accounts compromised, which leads to a severe data breach of:
– customers’ data
– confidential documents
– Sensitive information like credit card details, medical records, financial, and even legal information.

Can you fathom the volume of data and money lost?

This is what happens when an unprecedented issue occurs, and businesses aren’t equipped to combat cyber threats.

Grab your Cyber Security shield

You can not shy away from securing and protecting your organization. Cyber Security review and training are exactly what you need. It is cardinal to educate your teams with the current happenings in the Cyber space and mandate the best practices. Because it is better to be safe than sorry, right? You are just one click away from running a secure business.

Flexbox Digital is offering solutions to keep your business protected and compliant.

The solutions include:
(i) Expert Review
(ii) Security Assessment
(iii) Security Report

If you would like to know more about how Flexbox Digital secures your infrastructure, check out our Cyber security services page or get in touch with our exceptionally qualified Cyber security experts. Always remember that we are in this together.

Is your mind still hazy on how to embark on a risk management strategy? Why don’t you hop in the form below, fill in your details, and hit ‘submit’? We will take it from there.

September 11,2020
Cyber Security, Password Management, Risk Management

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