
How To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Shopping cart abandonment is one of the biggest challenges that eCommerce businesses face today. The modern-day customers are very indecisive about their buying process. The customer online buying decision process is highly uncertain until the time the customer pays for it. The customer can be perceived as a kid in front of a candy shop spoiled for choices. The markets are also witnessing new players every day coming up with new innovative products and digital marketing strategy targeting the customers. This has further intensified the complexity of buying decision process. The human mind is very volatile in changing priorities when they perceive something more efficient or cheaper with same utility value.

Five Strategies to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment Rates

1. Offer Free Shipping & Returns

Many consumers abandon the cart due to hidden shipping charges. It would be better if free shipping was given to the customers inside the country since worldwide free shipping will hit the bottom of the company. If the item cannot be shipped free of cost, the shipping cost can be added to the price and displayed as cost inclusive of shipping. This will ensure that customers are aware of the cost and will develop loyalty for the website. Providing a comprehensive policy for returns instills confidence in your business and your products.

2. Customer Support

Lack of customer support can ward off even the most loyal customers. A toll-free number or even live chat box will do wonders. The customers may have doubts regarding their purchase and may want to talk about it to a customer service representative, and may abandon the purchase if there’s a lack of immediate customer support since the customer may not remember the query later, and may not come back for the purchase.

3. Optimise Your Online Store Performance

If the website is launched on a poor performing server, crashes or delayed response or even non-responsive pages that may affect the shopping experience. Optimise your product images without comprising the quality or appeal of the image, use fast and reliable hosting servers.

4. Simplify Your Checkout Process

Consumers are always in a hurry to get things done as soon as possible. An easy check out process will ensure quick entry of the buyer to the payment gateway page. Provide guest checkout option which allows the shopper to checkout without registering, enable social login and sign-up options. Make sure the registration form does not have many mandatory fields, collect only necessary information for a quick checkout. Optimise your mobile eCommerce checkout page for higher conversion rate.

5. Multiple Payment Methods

Customers tend to have a set, preferred way for most tasks. This includes online shopping. According to research, over 50% of shoppers will not complete a purchase if their preferred payment options are not offered. Additionally, cash on delivery option gives the customer a sense of security and assures them of the product quality.

Still stuck on why people are abandoning their carts on your online store? Contact Flexbox Digital to learn how we can help you design an intuitive website and checkout process that lowers cart abandonment.

December 11,2017



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