
Marketplace App Development

App Strategy | UX UI Design | App Development

Hiya Mate - Tradies on Demand Marketplace to hire in or hire out trades.

We love working with start ups and businesses that are genuinely solving real world business problems. The latest such start up to reach out to Flexbox Digital was Melbourne based, Hiya Mate. Hiya Mate is a mobile marketplace specialised platform designed to facilitate short to mid-term leasing or temporary hire of staff. Aimed at the construction industry, it promote companies to tailor their staff size and specialisation daily, weekly or monthly, depending on fluctuating business demands. Flexbox Digital designed and developed marketplace apps for Hiya Mate.

 Hiya Mate Logo

Hire-in Business App

Flexbox Digital worked with the Hiya Mate to develop an iPhone and Android marketplace app that allows Hire-in businesses to post jobs, manage jobs, hire trades, timesheets approval, messages, invoices and more.

 Hiya Mate Staff Logo

Hire-in Staff App

Flexbox Digital developed a staff app for Hire-out staffs to manage jobs, timesheets accurately and efficiently. We developed the app natively for optimum performance on both Android and iOS.


Designed for simplicity and ease of use

Understanding the users’ needs is vital to creating a successful digital product that people would love to use. With our client so immersed in their internal knowledge, research, and stakeholder interviews allowed us to identify our target users, what they need, user challenges. Following extensive workshops, we developed a plan of action and key goals.

Hiya Mate Marketplace App

Solutions to complex marketplace needs

Choosing the right platform would be critical to success. The Hiya Mate Hire-in app, and a Hire-out app was built with Native Swift Code and Android, a robust framework of two popular platforms, allowed our app development team to create a platform that would enable performance, scalability and flexibility to devices for their wide-ranging users. With Geolocation based job alert, push notifications, timesheet reminders, approval process, and payouts Hiya Mate marketplace is designed and developed to make user experience as memorable, unique, and exquisitely simple to use.

Bringmehome Technology
Hiya Mate App UX UI Design

Marketplace payouts with Stripe Connect

Hiya Mate facilities a multi-sided marketplace with complex payment needs. The money that is spent on Hiya Mate platform goes to multiple stakeholders. Hiya Mate marketplace also needed to deduct commission from each transaction. To ensure security, marketplace needed to be able to hold funds, delay payouts to providers, and charge deposits. After careful considerations we integrated Stripe Connect, it allows Hiya Mate customers to onboard their users smoothly, handle marketplace transactions with ease, and grow their businesses.

Stripe Connect
Hiya Mate Job Alert

Infrastructure and Advanced analytics

We architected a robust, load-balanced solution on Amazon AWS that could handle heavy app traffic and speeds up the delivery of content. We integrated advanced analytics tools to get insight on how customers interact with the app and product preferences, Daily user engagement, User Retention, App version adoption and countless other ideas about audience segments.

BMH Infrastructure
Hiya Mate App UX UI Design

Hiya Mate - Tradies On Demand

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