
Small Businesses do not always have a plan B when there is an unprecedented cyber attack. But, with the current happenings in the cyber space, your business might be the next target and you certainly do not want to lose your valuable data and other confidential resources to Cyber crimes.…

The Energy sector has been receiving rampant attention from cyber threats in recent years. Just when we thought the pandemic could not get any worse, the energy industry has become vulnerable to cyber attacks. The attacks in the energy sector extend beyond the industry and immensely affect the people. Why…

The present-day sedentary and fast lifestyle has resulted in a plethora of serious health-related issues. People hardly have time for themselves. They run themselves mechanically without looking after their health.  Surprisingly, technological advancement has introduced a huge change in the present-day lifestyle. Companies involved in providing mobile app development service in…

Just like how it is crucial to get a yearly health checkup, your enterprise needs to have a security checkup as in a security assessment. According to ACSC’s (Australian Cyber Security Centre) annual cyber security threat report, Australian companies are more vulnerable to cyber attacks. The ACSC receives a prodigious amount of…

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